Friday, June 26, 2009

City Junior Chamber 28th anniversary @ W Hotel

I always wanted to go to W Hotel and this is the chance. Besides meeting up with a lot of familiar JC faces tonight, it’s my mission to go and enjoy an evening at this new hip hotel – W. Food was nice, decorations were so and so. Room setting and services…… not acceptable. Maybe I am a very traditional person, I really think waiters should look more mature and be more well-manner. I felt surprised that the staff there were like kids who really did not know how to serve the customers. Sorry, as a Corporate Communications professional, I have a “critical” mind to the details at every event. However, I enjoyed the night very much with my Honorary Secretary Betty. Good to meet up with many JC friends who came to chat with us. At the end, it’s again our “tradition” to stay until the very end of the event; we were almost being “expelled” by the hotel staff!