Saturday, September 19, 2009

37th Annual General Meeting and September Fellowship Gathering

A wonderful day!

The AGM has been held successfully at Regal HK Hotel. Many members, PPs, friends from other LOMs attended our function. I was nervous at the beginning as I did not know what I would be challenged by the members but I felt at ease in a while as you were treating me and my Board so well. In fact, I was expecting some more difficult and challenging questions. I did want to explain more about how things were worked out during the year. I was ready to answer your questions. But fortunately / unfortunately, Past Presidents and members were nice to us :)

My "baby girl" was born! Congratulations to President Elect Kathy and the 2010 Board of Directors. Please keep the spirit up and I am sure you will have a successful and fruitful year of 2010 at JC. Light your Passion, Pursue the Excellence.

Lucky that there were four AGMs in the day and three of them were held at Regal HK. HKJTT's was held at basement 2 while VJC and LRJC's were held upstairs. It was really touching when I saw so many NOM Officers and Presidents from LOMs coming to congratulate us during our MFG. Even VJC P Winnie and LRJC P King were present (with their president chains on).

The MFG was held successfully with lots of time for members to mingle around. Many Past Presidents had come and gathered together. Sometimes, we just don't need many programs. It is good enough to meet and chat with each other.

During the event, I had presented long year service award to PPs and members. All people enjoyed the evening!

My lunch.... hungry

Me and Past Presidents

Buying Carey Bags

2009 Board members

NP, NOM Officers and LOM Presidents visiting our MFG

A group photo: Smile... 1, 2, 3!

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