Sunday, April 26, 2009

The most memorable birthday so far!!! (PART 1)

The story starts from 2200 on 25 Apr.:

On 25 Apr, 2 hours before midnight, a flat in the building next to mine was on fire. That flat was on one floor lowered than my flat and that building was very close to mine. I was shocked when I saw the smoke and flame coming from that flat’s windows and it was so close to my flat. I realized that I had to evacuate.

Have you ever had this kind of experience? I started to pack some valuables before I escaped. Here are the stuffs I brought with me: wallet, mobile phone, keys, camera with many JC photos as well as a few USBs that contained my JC documents!!! Of course, what I thought at that moment was the troubles that I would have if I lost all the files, yet this reflected a bit about the position of JC in my life, hahahaha!!!

This may be a stupid story but it’s true. Also this fire incident was captured on TV news and print media on the next day. Luckily, my flat was not affected. And this is how I “enjoyed” my memorable birthday midnight by waiting for the firemen to extinguish the fire =)